The Brightest Brunette

Privacy & Cookies Disclosure

The Brightest Brunette uses your personal data to:

Your personal data will be processed, and information from your device (cookies, unique identifiers, and other device data) may be stored by, accessed by and shared with third party vendors or used specifically by this site or app.

Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest.

I only collect information about you if I have a reason to do so — for example, to provide my services, to communicate with you, or to make my services better.

I collect this information from three sources: if and when you provide information to me, automatically through operating my services, and from outside sources like Google Analytics.


Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (clicking the “like” or “follow” button on a post, for example).

Feel free to contact me for more information:


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