The Brightest Brunette

How to Maintain a Balanced, Healthy Lifestyle in 2020

Now that it’s 2020, I’m putting my health and well-being first. From what I’ve gathered from scrolling through social media, people I’ve talked to, and my own experiences, 2019 was a stressful year for the majority of us. It’s time to make positive changes towards living our best lives. Our health, whether physical or mental, is often placed on the metaphorical back burner when life gets stressful. But this is the year to finally re-adjust our schedules. Here’s how to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle in 2020.

Where to Start?

It’s easy to set resolutions at the beginning of January, but I’m just as guilty as the next person when it comes to fulfilling every single resolution on my list. Instead of setting a strict list of unreasonable resolutions, it’s better to identify a small group of things you’d like to improve this year to improve your lifestyle. You can label them as goals, so they don’t make you feel stressed or anxious. Goals are achievable, and any improvements you make for yourself will feel good. If you don’t reach your target goal by the following year, you will still be happy you made some positive changes to your lifestyle. For example, one of my goals this year is to spend more time running. While I may not have the time to run 10 miles every day, I have been doing at least two-three miles every few days, and I’m making progress.

Healthy Habits To Incorporate Into Your Life

These are easy tips to keep in mind during the new year. The whole “new year, new me” saying can be overwhelming, but by taking a few minutes out of every day to make a change in your life, it won’t seem so impossible to live a healthy, happy lifestyle.

1. Positive Outlook

Starting the day off with a positive mindset makes all the difference. In the past, I found myself waking up full of dread about taking a test at school or working an 8-hour shift at work. Not every single day is going to be perfect or exciting, but there’s always a bright side. Whatever you’re stressed about or dreading right now won’t last or matter in the long run, and I try to keep this in mind. Think of at least one thing to look forward to in your day or your week, and you will live a much happier lifestyle.

2. Drink More Water

I know this isn’t a groundbreaking tip, but drinking water will benefit your health and lifestyle. As soon as I started drinking more water during the day, I noticed that I felt much better. My reusable water bottle now comes with me everywhere, and I make sure to drink at least two bottles a day.

3. Clean Your Space

A clean space will help you concentrate. Whenever my room is messy, I feel anxious and can’t focus on my tasks for the day. Make your bed, organize your desk and clean out your closet. Cleaning out my closet was one of the first things I did before 2019 ended. I donated or sold clothing I don’t wear anymore and only kept staple pieces such as my adidas Superstar sneakers that I frequently wear.

4. Exercise

This is a common resolution, but exercising for at least 30 minutes a day eliminates stress and gets your endorphins pumping. You don’t necessarily have to pay for a gym membership or go on a long-distance run, but you can take a walk in your neighborhood, go for a swim at the beach or use a jump rope if you have one. I plan to spend a lot of time outside this year. I enjoy going for walks and spending time in nature by my favorite pond on nice days!

5. Social Media Detox

In the digital world, we’re constantly tweeting, sharing, following, posting…you get the point. I spend the majority of my time glued to my laptop working on articles for my job or dedicating time to my various social media platforms. After a while, social media becomes addicting and exhausting. I like to take at least one day a week where I don’t post or use any apps and spend time outside or enjoy a book instead.

6. Healthy Eating

This is another one of the most common resolutions, but eating healthy is a necessary part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You don’t have to go to any extremes and completely cut out snacks or fast food, but limiting your unhealthy food intake will leave you feeling lighter.

7. Read

Take care of yourself mentally as well as physically. Reading is always a relaxing activity for me that I enjoy before I go to sleep. After staring at a computer screen all day, I relish holding a physical book in my hands and reading the words on a page.

8. Journal

Bullet journaling is very popular right now, and I often find videos on YouTube dedicated to it. Sometimes you need to allow yourself to write down how you’re feeling. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a diary entry, but it can be doodles, poems, bible verses, or whatever inspires you.

9. Dress to Impress

Whenever I wear an outfit that excites me, I automatically feel better. It’s probably because I love fashion, but it’s been scientifically proven that the type of clothing you wear and the colors of the clothing articles can alter your mood. Right now, I’m inspired by trendy, street style clothing, and I look to stores like adidas for inspiration.

10. Spend Time With Loved Ones

I’m the first person to admit that I’m a major workaholic, and I don’t hang out with my friends and family members as much as I should. Sometimes it’s necessary to put a hold on whatever you’re working on and spend time with other people. Human interaction keeps us sane, and it should be cherished more!

Things to STOP Doing in 2020

As cliché as this sounds, it’s a new year, so let’s leave our bad habits in 2019. I want to leave all self-doubt, insecurities, drama, and overall bad energy in the past year and embrace everything a fresh start has to offer. Starting off a new year without any bad habits is the perfect way to refresh!

1. NO Drama

I left all my drama in 2018 when I graduated from college. I’ve taken the past year to focus on myself and my goals, and to allow positive, happy people to enter my life. We all have limited time and energy in our busy schedules! End all toxic relationships, and steer clear of any sticky situations.

2. Stop Doubting Yourself

Self-doubt often gets the best of me, but I’m making a more conscious effort to be positive and value myself this year. It’s easy to compare your life to another person’s, but everyone has a path in life. You are enough, and you’re going to achieve great things. Continue telling yourself this anytime you feel doubt creeping up! Most importantly, go after you what you want this year!

3. Eliminate Your Insecurities

2020 is the year to love yourself! Now is the time to end any negative thoughts you may have about yourself. There’s always going to be someone out there who has more than you but that doesn’t diminish your worth. Anyone who doesn’t value you for who you are isn’t someone you want in your life. The right relationships and opportunities will always leave you feeling empowered.

4. Stop Neglecting Your Body

I’ve already outlined several positive changes you can make this year, but you won’t see improvements unless you stop the bad habits too. This means going to bed early, eating well, taking care of your skin, giving yourself time to relax, and more. Hustle culture is toxic, and it won’t benefit you in the long run.

5. Don’t Hold Yourself Back

2020 is the year for taking chances that will positively impact your lifestyle. Don’t allow fear to hold you back from taking advantage of the opportunities in front of you. It’s okay if you fail, but you won’t know how the experience will end if you don’t try. You are worthy enough to find a good job, obtain a new sponsored campaign for your blog, or move to a new city. It’s okay to feel comfortable where you are right now, but don’t allow the fear of the unknown to keep you in the same position forever.

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Thanks so much for reading! I’ll see you next week xx

* This post is sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own.

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