The Brightest Brunette

How to Have a Fun Spring Break Without Going Away

When spring break rolls around, most people I know go on vacation. This year, I opted to have a more relaxing break at home versus travel somewhere and deal with the crowds. No fear, staying at home for spring break can be just as fun as going away if you do it right! Down below I listed a few fun ideas to take advantage of during break despite the cold weather.

1. Catch up on sleep– This is definitely the best part about staying home for break, you can catch up on all the sleep you want! If my readers are anything like me, I go to bed far too late and then dread having to wake up early in the morning, which is usually the case during the school year. This spring break I am definitely catching up on my sleep for as long as I can.

2. Go to the movies–  I always enjoy going to the movies, especially over break when the theatre is not too busy. I recommend going to your local movie theatre on a Monday or Tuesday during your spring break because the crowd will be smaller and you will have no problem finding a seat. I recently saw Before I Fall and that was an interesting movie and fun to see in theatres.

3. Have a shopping spree– One of the first things I did when I came home for break was go to my local mall. I absolutely love shopping and when I have free time you can most likely find me at one of my favorite stores. Spring break is a great opportunity to find winter sales and summer clothes that are making their first debut in stores!

4. Cook and bake– I love cooking and baking but I never seem to have time for it during the school year. Over breaks I love to try out new recipes and spend the time making my way through Trader Joes and Whole Foods to find healthy ingredients.

5. Go to a cafe– Recently, I have become obsessed with little cafes and want to try out as many as possible while I am home for break. The coffee and tea at cafes are usually homemade and taste more authentic than a chain restaurant or fast-food place.

6. Exercise– I enjoy going on long-distance runs for fun in my spare time and breaks give me the chance to do more of this. Whether you run, walk or take a yoga class, any exercise you can take part in will be beneficial to your health.

7. Take a trip– Take a trip somewhere fun with friends and family such as a museum or aquarium! Aquariums are my personal favorite, definitely go to an aquarium if you can.

8. Get creative– Make some time to get creative by painting, drawing or however you like to express yourself. I personally love crafting and made a Lilly Pulitzer flag banner over the summer.

9. Ice skate– Depending on where you live this may not be an option, but if it is, take advantage of it!!! Ice skating is my favorite activity and lots of fun with friends and family members.

10. Spend time with loved ones– Since you have all this free time now, make sure to designate some of it to friends or family members you have not seen in a while!

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